Supporting Westminster School
Westminster School gratefully welcomes any donations to support our fundraising efforts across the School and its community. Currently, our efforts are focussed on the two campaigns below, which aim to support current and future pupils. If you wish to discuss donating to the School in an alternative way, or have any questions about the ways you can support Westminster, please contact us.

The George Herbert Fund

Launched in April 2020, the George Herbert Fund was created to support current pupils whose families’ finances were significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. We are incredibly grateful for the kindness shown by the whole community in the past two years, which has seen the Fund receive generous donations. As life returns to normal for many, some families continue to face financial difficulties as a result of the pandemic, so we respectfully ask you to continue your support for those families both now and in the months to come.

The Westminster School Campaign for bursaries

Westminster School is committed to providing life-changing bursaries to young people who show exceptional academic ability, passion and potential for learning, regardless of their financial circumstances. This Campaign is the School’s long-term ambition to make Westminster truly ‘needs-blind’, so that any child can gain an outstanding education based upon merit alone. We ask for your generosity to help us achieve this long-term goal.

Your Data

Westminster School is committed to protecting your information. For full details of how we collect, store and use your data, as well as your rights relating to your data, please read our Privacy Statement for Development and Alumni Relations. Should you wish to change your preferences, update your details or discuss any queries in relation to your rights, or our polices in general, please contact the Development Team.